This year, two faculty members of the Matias H Aznar Memorial College of Medicine will be representing the college in international conference:
- Jose M. Oclarit, Professor of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, a faculty member of the Department of Biochemistry will be one of the lecturers during the 7th International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy (7ICDDT) which will be held at the University of Sharja, Sharja, United Arab Emirates from Feb 15-18, 2016. He will speak on the “Insulin-like activity of Chaya plant (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius)”
- Annette L. Salillas, FPSP, FASCP, MIAC, Professor & Chairman of the Departrment of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology will be representing in the country during the
19th International Cytology Congress to be held in Yokohama, Japan on May 28 to June 1, 2016. She will be one of the speakers during the congress onthe topic: “Is FNA still a useful tool in the diagnoses of breast masses?
- ”Dr. Salillas will also be attending the Harvard Medical Course in Boston, Massachusetts on the “Principles of Medical Education: Maximizing Your Teaching Skills”. This program is ranked highest among Harvard Medical School CME courses.